Just a quick update. JJ has been doing really well. We reduced his dosage of medication and today have tried him without any. So far, so good! He has been up and about, playing and showing a keen interest in the door. I think he’s almost ready to venture out. We may try him for a short while tomorrow. I’m just worried about the stairs as we have no way to block them off.
JJ is still very anxious around Pixel but there has been less hissing and more just a shouting warning. We are just supervising there contact whilst trying to stand back and only jump in if fighting occurs ( so far this hasn’t happened). At the moment a growl from JJ results in Puxel backing away. He has even rolled onto his belly in submission to JJ.
Great news! Glad JJ is doing so well. I think the cats will work out their relationship once JJ has fully adjusted to life on 3.
Purrkins was doing a set of stairs in his recovery room day 9 up and down. We wanted to feel confident he was capable doing before he was free in the house. We added things into the room for him to practice first.
14th day he got his stitches out and he was a free kitty. It was terrifying for me but he amazed us and you will start to feel better when you see how well JJ gets along!
You will be posting in amazement !
We recorded going up and down the steps if you want to see how he did. What to expect. We tried documenting Purrkins progress so others could see how a Tripawd kitty gets about.
Purrkins has a youtube channel. I do think you will feel better once you see how Purrkins did & how he gets about now;)
Glad to hear JJ is doing so good!
Smart Pixel be submissive. 😸
Purrkins brother Saxton did the same thing he would just lay down and roll over. Telling Purrkins ok I get , relax😼
It will continue to get better!
Chin & ear scracthes to JJ & Pixel
Holly & Purrkins
Glad JJ is doing so much better – been a tough journey for him… and you but sounds like he is well on road to recovery.
I’m so glad Purrkins chimed in ’cause I was going to show you that video. JJ will get there too, try not to worry.
So glad things are on the upswing!