Yes it’s 4am here but I am so excited and had to tell you all. JJ got out of bed, first to use his litter tray, then he promptly just lay down in it. This is where I have been helping him out, he cried for me so I just opened his crate and lay beside him for moral support. I have set off a couple of his weird ‘episodes’ where he falls onto his back and cries in what looks like excruciating pain so I’ve decided to step back and let him figure stuff out whilst being there for support.

What happened next made having no sleep totally worth it. JJ stood up in his tray and then just hopped out, past his bed (which I’d moved close by to try to get him out of the litter he was laying in)….and out of the crate and went to the door and cried for me to let his little pal Pixel in. He hopped about a bit more (really moved so well) and then decided he wanted to lay out on his big bed. I can’t explain how good it felt to see him do this. I am bursting with pride and also super relieved. Well done JJ!! You are my brave boy! You can do it!!

So after the little victory I wrote this post as JJ rested on the bed. Shortly after finishing writing JJ decided it was time to go back to the safety of his crate. This is where the high becomes a low. As he stood up, he toppled over and this set off one of these attacks. Following this JJ does not want to move an inch. I moved his bed to try to encourage him to get back in so I can get him to his crate where he feels safe without having to touch him. He got in but then wanted to jump over the side of it, it happened again. All joy of the previous 30 minutes lost in a sea of pain seeing him like that. I eventually got him back into his bed and carried it to his crate where he is now. Poor little guy.
It’s still another 3 hours until his pain killers are due so I don’t think pain is the reason, even though it does look like it’s pain mixed with frustration. I’m going to call the vet tomorrow (not my vet whom we saw yesterday but the hospital where he had his op) and see if it’s worth trying gabepentin or if they can suggest something else which might help. My vet seemed convinced it wasn’t pain related and that it was a bit of craziness related to the drugs. My gut says different. My gut says it looks like some kind of nerve pain. I’m not a vet but this seems like a sudden sharp pain which is gone as quickly as it started. That’s the kind of pain my partner gets from his nerve pain.