So after yesterday, we witnessed JJ have multiple episodes of what the vet had thought might be caused by his pain meds. Upon leaving the hospital they suggested to stop the opoid pain med and just keep him on metacam and observe how if these episodes stopped, if they didn’t to start up the pain mess again as it wasn’t what was causing it.
They didn’t stop, if anything they were worse, it happened about 7 times on his first day home. From observing these episodes, I think they are more of a panic attack or phantom limb pain. He screams in pain and roles over onto his back. They last just a couple of seconds and then he quickly retreats to his bed. It is turkey terrifying for both him and us. I think he was being too active, because we had stopped the strong pain killer and kind of over doing it.
So today we are back on with the strong pain mess and he had just two very minor episodes. The downside of this is that he has become very withdrawn and just wants to sleep. It’s a shock as yesterday he was all about wanting chin tickles and attention and happily hoping about in his cage for food and toilet. Today started the same, he had a little wander around outside his cage and was doing great, as the day has gone on (and I suppose as his doeses of pain mess have built up) it is a different story, he doesn’t want to move at all. He has retreated to his bed and only moves to eat and use the litter try but once there doesn’t want to move back to his bed. It is very concerning, but I figure he needs to rest and if the pain killers are making him do that, it’s a good thing.
We have a check up at the vets booked in for tomorrow so hopefully they can reassure us that all is well. If he wasn’t eating and using the litter tray I’d have been calling the vet and going in early but for now we will wait until tomorrow.